This page provides some basic information about us and what we do. Entertainment Bracket is an online news portal that starts as an honest effort to provide users with unbiased and well-suited information on the latest and trending news.
It is your home, where you will find the latest news about almost all the major happenings around the world. Every day we create world-class content that informs, educates, and entertains people in Pakistan and worldwide.
Based in Lahore, Entertainment Bracket is patronize by content writers and media professionals who provide their input to get the major news and entertainment stuff.
We commit to providing you with balance and objective news on a wide range of topics. It includes Politics, Entertainment, Health, Culture, Business, Science & Technology, and Arts & Artisans.
At Entertainment Bracket, in our pursuits of perfection and innovation. We always try to offer something unique. And we promise to bring you the information that is often hidden from the eyes of a common man.
On this website, you can come and get information about the latest fashion and style trends and get news updates. On politics, culture, and society and share your thoughts on what you like and what you don’t like about these trends.