Liver and Heart Surgery Included in the Sehat Insaf Card

Liver and Heart Surgery Included in the Sehat Insaf Card

The Sehat Insaf Card is a turning point in social welfare reform, guaranteeing that underprivileged individuals are identified nationwide and are provided with their legally required medical care in a timely and respectable manner, free from financial restraints. Low-income patients now have easier access to care thanks to the Sehat Insaf card. From this card, thousands of patients have receive free treatment.

The Sehat Sahulat Program of the PTI include the card as a component of a health insurance scheme. It was originally introduce in 2016 by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government. The federal capital, the Punjab province, and the province of Gilgit-Baltistan are currently include in the programme. The fact that this card enables underprivileged individuals to receive proper care makes it a commendable effort.

Naya Pakistan Sehat Card Features, Eligibility Criteria, Contact Details 

The Punjabi government has approved liver transplant surgeries to be covere through health card programmes. As an expansion of the Sehat Sahulat Card, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, the chief minister of Punjab, endorses this improved method for health card holders.


Following a meeting between the chief minister of Punjab and the vice president of a private hospital, Dr Shazia Malik, this choice was make. Dr Shazia promised the patient full support from the private hospital during and after the procedure.

The Qaumi Sehat Card/Sehat Sahulat Program covered open heart operations, stent placement, cancer management, neurosurgical procedures, burn management, accident management, dialysis, intensive care management, deliveries, C-sections, and other surgical or medical procedures up to PKR 1 million per family per year. Pakistan\’s facility allows access to free healthcare from more than 600 authorised institutions throughout provinces and districts.

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