Muslims are celebrating Eid Miladun Nabi all over the world with zeal. Colorful lights brighten cities and streets.
People are zealously and enthusiastically commemorating the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
A 21-gun salute in provincial capitals and a 31-gun salute in the federal capital mark the start of each day. Major cities have tightened their security.
Prayers are said specifically for the development and expansion of Islam. Numerous initiatives are being carried out to benefit the Muslim Ummah.
12 Favorite Food Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Mobile services aren\’t working in big cities. Mobile services were stopped in Karachi as well.
All around the nation, buildings, markets, streets, and government offices have been adorned with lights and banners.
President Dr. Arif Alvi congratulated the nation and the Islamic Ummah on occasion.
The President stated in his address to the country that the coming of the Prophet (PBUH) was excellent news for easing human suffering.
He continued that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had been long anticipated by humanity.
صدر اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان، ڈاکٹر عارف علوی کا ۱۲ ربیع الاول 1444 ھ/2022 ء کے موقع پر قوم کے نام پیغام
آج ۱۲ ربیع الاول سرکارِ دوعالم، رحمت اللعالمین خاتم النبیین حضرت محمد ﷺ کی آمدِ سعیدکے بابرکت موقع پر میں پاکستانی قوم اور ملتِ اسلامیہ کو مبارکباد پیش کرتا ہوں۔
— The President of Pakistan (@PresOfPakistan) October 9, 2022
“His prophethood made visible the difference between good and evil, the darkness of ignorance was removed, the customs of non-believers were abolished, the name of the lone creator of the universe was magnified and hearts of the humanity shone with the purity of the oneness of Allah. The slaves who were crushed under the weight of oppression and cruelty received the blessing of freedom and the era of justice and equity was ushered in.”
Dr. Alvi said the Prophet (PBUH) freed humans from “the slavery of other humans and made them believe in prostrating and bowing before their real creator and lord”.
کائنات کے خالقِ واحد کے نام کا بول بالا ہوا اور توحیدِ خالص سے انسانوں کے سینے منور ہوگئے۔ ظلم وستم کی چکی میں پسنے والے غلاموں کو آزادی کی نعمت نصیب ہوئی اور عدل وانصاف کا دور دورہ ہوا۔
— The President of Pakistan (@PresOfPakistan) October 9, 2022