Arslan Ash Becomes Champion of CEO 2021

Arslan Ash Becomes Champion of CEO 2021

Arslan Siddique, also known as Arsalan Ash, wins the Community Effort Orlando (CEO) fighting game tournament in Orlando, Florida. Arslan Ash has redeemed himself after winning CEO 2021. He had already created a reputation for himself in the world by winning two major Tekken tournaments in the United States.


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 Community Effort Orlando (CEO) Fighting

CEO hosts one of the world\’s largest fighting game conventions, with over 3000 participants competing this year in a range of combat games. Tekken 7 drew almost 450 players from all around the world, including well-known figures like Book, Anakin, Khan, and, of course, Arslan Ash himself.


In the grand finals, Ash was up against Anakin with his Zafina, while Anakin was on Jack 7. With his overwhelming slams and rush-down style, Anakin took the first match, but Ash was not going down without a fight. His side step uppercuts and surprise sweeps caught Anakin unprepared multiple times, resulting in enormous damage.

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This allowed Ash to earn a few victories, but Anakin countered with more slams and rush downs. The massive hitbox of Jack 7 was put to good use, but it wasn\’t enough to knock out Ash. The final bout carrie the fight to the Infinite Azure stage, where Ash swept the victory with a final uppercut to the face.

Arslan is now consider one of the best Tekken players in the world. And his performances have drawn attention from fans and players alike. Congratulations Arslan!

Arslan Ash bags Combo Breaker title at international Tekken 7 competition


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