150 New HIV Cases In Mirpurkhas Affected Children And Adults


HIV Cases In Mirpurkhas: With 150 cases recorded in 2024 alone, the Sindh area of Mirpurkhas is quickly emerging as a significant HIV hotspot, especially among minors. More over 26 percent of Sindh’s 568 pediatric HIV cases are attributable to this. In the province, 48 children test positive for HIV on average each month. Poor infection control procedures, such as quack doctors and some licensed medical professionals in rural areas reusing syringes and IV drips, are mostly to blame for the increase in cases. The districts of Larkana, Shikarpur, Hyderabad, and Jacobabad also have significant rates of HIV infection among children. The circumstances in Mirpurkhas are similar to the Larkana outbreak in 2019, in which youngsters contracted HIV as a result of unsafe medical procedures.

HIV Cases In Mirpurkhas

If precautions are not followed, health experts caution that Mirpurkhas may have an outbreak like the one in Larkana, which sickened over 900 youngsters. To stop future spread, public health professionals are advocating for better infection control procedures, enhanced screening, and more stringent laws governing medical practices.


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