LUMS Students Spark Outrage For Celebrating Bollywood Day

LUMS Students Spark Outrage For Celebrating Bollywood Day

LUMS Students Celebrating Bollywood Day: As the university held a day with a Bollywood theme, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) has been under fire from the Pakistani awaam.

The internet buzzes with a video of LUMS students dressed as well-known Bollywood characters. They can be spotte spouting memorable passages from their preferre movies.

Although the event was meant to foster cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. Many Pakistanis perceive it as a promotion of Indian culture and a slight against their own.

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Pakistanis expressed their displeasure and rage on social media. The pupils faced harsh online criticism, with many accusing them of being unpatriotic and favoring Indian culture over Pakistani culture.


One Twitter user expressed disappointment that LUMS was promoting Indian culture in Pakistan. I find this offensive and demeaning of our country and culture as Pakistani.
The incident has spurred a discussion on how universities should foster cross-cultural interaction and if celebrations like “Bollywood Day” are suitable in a place like Pakistan. According to many individuals, the institution should prioritize developing Pakistani culture and traditions over those of other nations.

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Although LUMS has not yet made an official comment about the incident, many Pakistanis are demanding an apology and the punishment of the offending students.

The debate has brought attention to the persistent hostilities between Pakistan and India and the difficulties in fostering intercultural understanding in a place where political and historical reasons continue to influence attitudes and views.

This episode also makes many worry about how cultural globalization affects regional cultures. Especially in nations like Pakistan, where cultural identity is closely linke to national identity.

While many individuals enjoy sharing cultural practices and ideas. Others are concerned that this could lead to the decline of traditional cultural values.

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