Pakistani Companies’ Efforts To Adopt Sustainable Practices

Pakistani Companies’ Efforts To Adopt Sustainable Practices

Eco-friendly and sustainable practices are no longer trendy, but they are becoming increasingly vital to protect our world Pakistani Companies. There are warnings from all sides that sustainability is a pressing issue that must be addressed immediately. We will deplete the earth\’s resources, run out of fossil fuels, lumber, and extinction of large numbers of animal species. If we do not change our habits, we will permanently harm the earth. To avoid this from happening, we must be ecologically conscious. And advocate for sustainability in our homes, towns, ecosystems, and worldwide.

Pakistani Companies

Many firms are striving for eco-friendly practices and adopting sustainable ways to manage their operations, create their products, and elect to go paperless due to a strong social push for environmental consciousness. When it comes to Pakistan, the country\’s forest cover is one of the lowest. And something needs to done about it since the long-term consequences are devastating. Going paperless is good for the business and is also beneficial to the environment in the long run.

These are the four companies in Pakistan that are committed to going paperless, and we must acknowledge their beneficial environmental impact so that we can appreciate and support their efforts.


 Since 2021, the Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) has encouraged customers to choose e-billing instead of getting monthly invoices to help conserve the environment. According to the corporation, this program will raise environmental consciousness and provide customers with the option to contribute to and combat climate change.

PTCL\’s chief commercial officer stated last year that as a national organization. PTCL took its responsibilities to reduce paper usage throughout the company extremely seriously.

PTCL has created a user-friendly website where consumers can subscribe to their bills via and the TouchApp for a smooth transition to e-billing (Android & iOS). They can also enroll in e-billing by calling the PTCL hotline at 1218. E-bills will sent to new clients automatically.

PCB: In 2020, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) and the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the deployment of an e-Filing and Office Automation System (e-FOAS). This was complete to improve the cricket board\’s day-to-day operations and archive capacities.

FOR YEARS, the PCB had been looking for a quick solution for approvals, reference tracking, document retrieval, and archiving. The PCB is now saving time and money and benefiting the environment by using the e-FOAS.


Following the success of PCB and PTCL\’s paperless initiatives, Pakistan International Airlines signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) last year to implement an e-filing and office automation system that will result in a greener environment and improved communication.

Departmental workflow automation, receipt and issuance management, e-noting and e-letter management with digital signatures, electronic record room, and meeting schedules are all possible with this system. While decreasing administrative costs, the technology also provides efficiency, transparency, and security.

Operation Green Up is Jaffer Business Systems (JBS) initial move toward turning paperless. \”Because it\’s tough to stop using paper suddenly,\” explained a JBS spokeswoman. \”we felt it would excellent to recycle all of the used paper that isn\’t need first.\”

\”Every Wednesday, we blast a 20-second siren. And our \’agents\’ walk around the office encouraging staff to organise their workstations and eliminate unneeded objects. All discarded paper is gather in cardboard boxes and shipped to recycled. TrashIt, a firm that helps communities minimise their carbon footprint, is cooperating with us. So far, we\’ve been able to recycle around 20KG of paper through this activity,\” the representative stated.

The ultimate goal for JBS is to cut paper use by at least 90% by eliminating all unneeded paper. And switching to digital alternatives. According to the spokesman, Blutech Consulting, one of their acquired start-ups, went paperless last year.

Apart from these four, the Federal Board of Revenue, Indus Hospital, pharmaceutical companies, Pakistan Customs, and even President Arif Alvi\’s office have all chosen to go paperless.


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