How To Sell Your Products on Daraz In 2023

How To Sell Your Products on Daraz In 2023

In the midst of a global pandemic, the one luxury of life that we all are surely grateful for is the internet. activities, such as shopping, through a single medium. With nearly everything moving to internet platforms, it\’s no surprise that most people prefer to shop online as well. Daraz is Pakistan\’s most popular internet shopping destination. You can sell your products on Daraz as well as use it as a platform for online shopping. Daraz, the top online shopping center in South Asia, has over 100 categories and 20 million products. It serves as a virtual marketplace for hundreds of thousands of customers and a way for millions of vendors to connect with the rest of the world through their products. Most import thing how to become Daraz seller?

Daraz is the platform you should be marketing and selling your product on if you are a potential seller with a product that can turn into a profitable small business for you. Here\’s how you can use Daraz to develop a solid business:

In 3 Easy Steps, You Become Daraz Seller

Step -1 Creating a Daraz Seller Account

Go to www. daraz. Pk and click on \’Sign Up\’ in the right-most top corner of the page, or go to Sell on Daraz to sell your products.

This will take you to a new page where you can choose from four options:

  1. DarazMall Seller 
  2. Local Seller 
  3. Global Seller 
  4. Digital Good Seller 

Each option contains a list of descriptions that detail the functionality it supports. This will enable you to categorize the items you wish to sell on Daraz. Read over them carefully to determine which choice best meets your requirements. Here is a quick rundown of what each choice has to offer:

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Seller on DarazMall: 

If you have a licensed business or run a registered company, this is the ideal option for you.

Local Seller

This is the option for sellers who do not have a license.

This is the greatest alternative for you if you want to expand your product\’s reach outside of Pakistan while also owning a business.

Global Seller

This is the greatest alternative to expand your product\’s reach outside of Pakistan while also owning a business.

 Digital Goods Seller 

This is the best option for those who want to sell digital stuff.

After choosing your preferred choice, you’ll be ask to fill out a form with the following information.

Name of the store

You should choose a shop name that is easy to remember and pronounce. This is how the website will refer to you.

Phone Number

Because your potential clients will contact you on this number, you must offer a cellphone number that you keep with you at all times.


To keep your account secret, create a simple but unique password.


Fill up your business email address, which you check regularly. All of your bills and information will be emaile to you here.


You will be ask to slide an arrow to show that you are a human person and not a robot.

Term and Conditions 

After carefully reading the terms and conditions, check the box at the bottom of the form. Once you\’ve done that, your registration will be complete, and you can proceed.

Adding Products to Your Account

You can go to the next stage when you have validated your email address and phone number supplied previously. It is critical to provide as much information about your product as possible to sell it on Daraz. This is the place to do it.

You\’ll be taken to your dashboard, where you can begin adding the things you want to sell.

Hover your mouse over the \’Products\’ selection. The \’Add products\’ option can be found here. To continue, select the choice and fill in the information.

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Choosing the right category for your product is very important. The website will also give you its own suggestions on what category you should choose.  

Name of the product:

Choose a short and simple name for your product that your buyers easily remember.


If your product is associate with a certain brand, enter it here; otherwise, select ”No Brand.”

Video URL

Most merchants offer a video discussing or demonstrating the product\’s features. If you have a video like this, enter the URL here; otherwise, leave it blank.


 It\’s a good idea to list the essential characteristics of your product in bullet points in this part to make it easier to understand.

Products Basic

This is the section where you should list the basic characteristics of your product, such as model, kind, generation, and so on.

What’s in the box

It\’s critical to include the most up-to-date information in this area about all of the goods that a customer will receive when they buy your product. Your box must include everything you\’ve mentioned so far, and it must be free of any erroneous information.


You may upload up to 8 realistic photographs of your product here. Make sure to show off as much of your merchandise as possible using them.


This option should be enable to indicate that this item is available for grabs. Make careful to turn this off if your item goes out of stock.

Quantity and Price

Establish a desired and suitable pricing for your product.

Service and Delivery

You can enter the package\’s weight, warranty, measurements, and other information here.

Using Daraz to Promote Your Products

Despite the fact that your website promotes your products on its own, it is always a good idea to market your product separately in order to stand out from the crowd. Personal marketing will not only help you sell your product on Daraz, but it will also help you establish yourself as a seller. You may do this in a variety of ways, including writing a blog on your product\’s unique features, establishing and advertising it on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and targeting the correct demographic.

Additional marketing will only help you make more sales and attain the marketing objective you\’ve set for yourself.

There are a few things that must be kept in mind once you have finish uploading your products

After your goods are sale, Daraz will retain your payment for 15 days. If your product is free of fines and the reviews are positive, you will receive your earnings minus the fee that Daraz will keep.

You have the option of using Daraz Mall to send your items or using your method.

How to Delete Your Seller Account on Daraz?

If you change your mind about your Daraz seller account and want to stop using it, you must contact the \’Help Center\’ and follow their instructions to have your account deleted. After you\’ve done uploading your products, there are a few things to keep in mind: After your goods are sold, Daraz will retain your payment for 15 days. If your product is free of fines and the reviews are positive, you will receive your earnings minus the fee that Daraz will keep. You have the option of using Daraz Mall to send your items or using your method.


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