CaterpillHERs Partners with Upwork to Coach Women on their Freelancing Careers

CaterpillHERs Partners with Upwork to Coach Women on their Freelancing Careers

The global work marketplace Upwork and CaterpillHERs have partnered to give women in the CaterpillHERs cohort access to coaching on Upwork Academy. This interactive learning hub offers career advice and upskilling opportunities other educational resources. Caterpillar is a Pakistan-based organisation that supports women in starting and growing their businesses and careers.

Members of the CaterpillHERs career accelerator programme will receive coaching. Tools, and resources for utilising and succeeding on the Upwork platform as part of the collaboration.

By giving women in our career accelerator verified and vetted content on using the platform and receiving hands-on coaching from the team at Upwork, our partnership with Upwork and CaterpillHERs will enable us to close the gender gap in the freelancing industry.

The assistance and mentoring provided by Upwork to the women in our cohort \”has unquestionably changed the game for us,\” according to Hira Saeed, CEO and Founder of CaterpillHERs. With 63 percent of the people living in Pakistan, there is a huge potential for the expansion of freelancing in that country.

The country\’s population is under 25. The nation is ranked fourth globally for its growth in the freelancing industry.

Women may become the centre of this progress by utilising their current skill sets and gaining new talents remotely. Freelancing can be a job option that changes a woman\’s life. Due to the caregiving duties women have in a place like Pakistan.

Upwork and CaterpillHERs

According to Faiza Yousuf, Director of CaterpillHERs, \”the hands-on teaching from Upwork\’s team makes the site more approachable and less daunting for these prospective freelancers.\” \”I\’ve done work with Upwork before, and their staff is always quite helpful. Because they are an inclusive organisation, our values mesh well with theirs.

According to Fran Murphy, vice president of community at Upwork, \”learning from those who have done it. Before and having the support of a like-minded community is one important aspect of building and scaling a freelance career. We\’re honoured to be able to offer to coach to CaterpillHERs members so they may connect. Develop, and have a more enjoyable Upwork experience.

Visit the Freelance Career Accelerator programme page for more details. On the CaterpillHERs cohort and Upwork Community for more details on the Academy.

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