Climate Change in Pakistan

Climate Change in Pakistan

According to the Climate Risk Index, Pakistan was listed as one of the top 10 nations most at risk for natural disasters Climate Change in Pakistan. There have also been 10000 deaths reported due to climate change, significant financial losses, extreme weather, and most significantly, Pakistan\’s ever-changing climate with its protracted summers and short winters.

Pakistan and the entire world have been aware of the frightening situation created by the recent floods in Pakistan, which have wreaked enormous havoc. Pakistan is the most diversified nation regarding ecosystems, terrain, and climate zones. The nation is currently suffering the biggest crises, and there are still many more due to poor planning and resource management.

Pakistan experienced a devastating heat wave in 2022 that lasted from April through August and saw temperatures rise above 120 F. April was recorded as the hottest month in the previous 61 years. In addition, 65 recorded fatalities from heat stroke occurred in May. During the monsoon rains, people also experienced severe water shortages that caused massive floods that destroyed infrastructure and claimed lives.


The following list includes some of the main contributors to climate change. Regarding the current scenario, the authorities must respond fully.

  • Fossil fuel emissions cause an increase in the number of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that are released into the atmosphere.
  • Climate change is also a result of population growth.
  • Unplanned urban growth
  • Pressure on the climate is also being put on by growing reliance on natural resources.
  • Water management is another influencing aspect. During the monsoon, much water is wasted, resulting in flooding. By building dams, this water may be effectively exploited.
  • The disposal of solid waste can also exacerbate climate change.
  • Unawareness of the general public
  • Consequences and dangers of climate change

Pakistan\’s economy, sustainable development, and the livelihoods of the underprivileged are all being impacted by climate change. The well-being and prosperity of the populace are in jeopardy.

Long, scorching summers and brief winters are already a reality in the nation, despite the numerous challenges ahead. Even though there have been repeated summer heat waves, floods, droughts, and landslides, the worst is yet to come. The intensity of these catastrophes is predicted to increase due to climate change.

Impacts and Threats of Climate Change


Additionally, it is anticipated that climate change will continue to raise temperatures, particularly in Pakistan\’s northern regions, which may cause glaciers to melt. Floods are also greatly threatened by landslides and the tremendous water flow they cause in the Indus River. The responsible authorities anticipate drier days in Sindh province instead of wet days in other cities. Rainfall patterns are also anticipated to change.

Climate change has the potential to have a significant influence on people\’s livelihoods and general well-being. As a developing nation where most of the population comes from low- to middle-income families, Pakistan is particularly vulnerable to the negative consequences of climate change on livelihoods. A current illustration of this scenario is the recent floods. Additionally, the nation is dependent on land, forest, and water resources. People\’s primary occupation is agriculture, which is also heavily dependent on the nation\’s economy. The Indus River and its tributaries provide irrigation for 90% of all agriculture.

The immediate effects of climate change

Climate change-related floods, droughts, and melting glaciers significantly impact food production and agricultural operations. The primary cause of climate change is inescapable poverty, loss of life and livelihood, crimes, and several other issues.

During June and July, insufferable heat reached 52 degrees in Jacobabad, Sindh, Pakistan. If such a temperature lasts more than a few hours, specialists warn that organ failure and death may result. This record was broken much earlier than anticipated. As a result, it creates a worrying situation for the nation. Furthermore, a sudden temperature rise is predicted.

According to Dawar Butt, a specialist in climate policy, glaciers in the broader Himalayan and Karakorum ranges have the potential to devastate Pakistan, Nepal, and India. It may also devastate the nation\’s infrastructure and tourist attractions.

Importance of Agriculture in Pakistan Economy and Development 

The biggest concern from climate change is flooding, which is also an imminent threat. The recent floods\’ destruction caused great damage to the country\’s infrastructure, economy, and land, setting it back years.

Solution Of Climate Change


The situation needs to be immediately noted by the government. Some potential strategies to combat climate change are listed below.


The need of the hour is to implement afforestation and reforestation programmes. The loss of trees and woods has been attributed to floods, a lack of natural gas and power, and the use of the area for construction. The implementation and scaling up of campaigns like the billion-tree tsunami is necessary.

Building dams

More dams can be built, which would greatly improve the situation. Pakistan has abundant water resources; however, the water is wasted due to a lack of dams. That and Nagarparkar should be taken into consideration.

Waste management

A waste management plan must be created, especially for northern regions. There is contamination in the water because locals and visitors frequently dump trash into it. Additionally, burning trash in the open adds to the buildup of black carbon on glaciers, accelerating the melting of such glaciers. The management of waste can also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Renewable resources

Using fewer fossil fuels and switching to renewable resources can reduce carbon emissions in the long run.

Proactive approach

It\’s important to think about adopting a proactive stance. Pakistan is renowned for only acting after a disaster. The nation can prevent numerous losses by hiring environmental science graduates and specialists to create preparations in advance.

Climate change developments

Every political and developmental agenda needs to prioritise the problem of accelerating climate change. The government and the people must prioritise addressing climate change since it has the potential to negatively affect the economy and way of life. Citizens need to be informed about the problem and participate in initiatives like tree planting.

Ban diesel automobiles

The issue can also be resolved largely by banning diesel cars, as their emissions contribute to global warming.


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