Funniest Memes To Come Out Of US Elections

Funniest Memes To Come Out Of US Elections

The waiting for the presidential election result is the world\’s communities\’ current activity, But what the internet is doing to churning out hilarious memes! Since November 3, Americans are anxiously watching and waiting for their next president.  Former Vice-President Joe Biden currently has a lead over President Donald Trump in US Elections .

The election for the United States\’ presidency has left many loose ends with the winner yet to decide, and social media users turned to memes to make sense of the confusion. With the democratic party\’s Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump, who is exploring a second term, the businessman turned politician came out demanding that the electoral process was rigged and vowed to turn to the Supreme Court for justice. Netizens could not help but poke fun at Trump for crying foul. Here we have given the best from social.

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