Google Updates its ‘Ad’ Label to ‘Sponsored’ for Better Mobile Search

Google Updates its ‘Ad’ Label to ‘Sponsored’ for Better Mobile Search

The most widely used internet search engine right now is Google Search.
Google\’s new features are mostly intend for mobile users.
The IT behemoth is also enlarging the symbols and adding site names to make adverts even clearer.

Google is use by people all around the world to find information from various sources and formats.

The technological behemoth has modified mobile and web searches since the feature\’s introduction. It is now also delivering a few updates.

The latest improvements, though, only apply to mobile searches this time. They have been added to help mobile users distinguish between search results from trusted sources and ads.

One of the most user-friendly modifications introduced this time is renaming the ad tag to sponsored when the search results are displayed in mobile searches.

There are a few links in the search results that have \”ad\” labels in the top left corner, as you may have observed. Sometimes it\’s challenging to tell the difference between links to reliable sites and advertisements.

In light of this, Google has updated its changes to alter \”Ad\” to \”sponsored.\”

It\’s important to note that this label won\’t appear in the top-left corner but the line above the URL.

Adding site names and bigger icons is another modification the giant tech performs.

To let you quickly identify which website is relevant to each result, we include site names in mobile search results. In a formal statement, Google stated that it was altering the size and appearance of the website icons in Search.

To improve openness and clarity for advertisers all at once, Google said the new elements would also be add to search adverts.

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It\’s crucial to remember that these search page improvements are now being roll out exclusively on mobile. Google reported:

Mobile devices are gradually gaining access to these search page updates. The business will shortly test a similar experience on PCs as well.

The top internet search engine has also introduce some new Android and Chrome phones capabilities. Users will benefit from increased security using them.

According to reports, the new security features will allow you to connect to a website or app without a password by utilising pins or biometric authentications to confirm your identity. The tech giant presents users as a more secure alternative to the standard two-factor authentication process.


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