Poverty means not having the money to buy enough food for your family, not being able to afford proper facilities or buying clothes to cover one`s body. Poverty is the biggest issue in the world. Pakistan is also facing the poverty issue. In Pakistan, nearly 60 per cent of Pakistan spend their life in the village. Pakistan government have to make polices for reduces poverty in Pakistan
According to a recent analysis during this COVID-19, poverty increase from 30 to 40 %. Pandemic effect on Pakistan\’s economy, which is the reason for poverty increase. It means that 40 per cent of Pakistan\’s population income is below the poverty line. Now in the current condition, people are depressed about their necessities of life, Proper education and medicine are becoming separated from them. Many people survive only due to poverty and unemployment, instead of spending their children in schools, per child labour. They get them to support their family and use them as earning hands from an early age.
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- Political Instability
- Corruption
- Natural Disasters
- Decline in overall natural growth
- Lack of infrastructure
- Illiterate People
- Law and administration

- Poverty effects on daily jobs, and power workers.
- Most of the people spend survival life they can\’t improve the life of quality.
- Spending life in poverty means the same life of reality tomorrow.
- Poverty breeds poverty. If one person does not afford the family\’s nutrition, children it’s a greater risk of growing up of getting life-threatening.
- People do not support the education of children, then they will repeat their parent\’s life.
- If one does not manage to buy a livestock home, there are few occasions to build assets that will last over time.
Poverty in Pakistan

- Each 3rd person in Pakistan caught in the poor bracket.
- 58.7 out of a whole population of 180 M live under the poverty line.
- It comprises half the population in the infinitely distant Baluchistan, 33percent of Sindh 32percent, Khyber, and 19 per cent in Punjab.
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Causes of Poverty in Pakistan
In Pakistan, poverty increase because of the overall increase in the cost of products in Pakistan. It decreases the power of purchasing of people because of low earning and low salaries
It’s a situation when People ignore destruction and don’t worry regarding whether capital is earning fairly. In our society is exists that is money. one person has to pay to get his right. The organization has declined to provide justice to poor Citizens.
In Pakistan major cause of poverty is unemployment. Unemployed means those who have no source of Income. However, the unemployment rate in Pakistan 4.48, and 20% is disguised as unemployed in Pakistan.
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Lack Of Education
Lack of education and training is also a reason for poverty. It decreases the ability to work. Sometimes a worker, due to less educated, remains unemployed or underemployed. The lack of skills in entrepreneurs also increases his profile, and its result is poverty; the literacy rate is 57% in Pakistan.
Pakistan faces a deficiency of sugar, wheat, and other eatable goods due to its smuggling to neighboring counties. We are the seven largest wheat producer country in the world. Pakistan produces 20 million tons and produces 23 million tons. Pakistan is the four largest sugarcane manufacturing country but still face food product deficiency.
Law And Order Situation In Pakistan
Terrorist attacks generate change in the stock market, and people are earning from stock markets are becoming lost due to which the whole country faces an unpredictable rise in property prices. Regional Industries cannot sign contracts with foreign investors due to the current law and order situation.
Foreign Investment
In Pakistan, political instability, backwardness, improper infrastructure availability, and foreign investment interaction are not suitable. 2.56 billion$ in Pakistan\’s lack of foreign investment means fewer employment opportunities and poverty.
Reduce Poverty In Pakistan
Education As a Tool To Reduce Poverty
Now, we must take into account that whilst, giving food or looking for a radical revolution is right – we must root in pragmatism.
To fight poverty in Pakistan; concrete, sustainable and long term solutions are needed, to equip the poor with the necessary facilities which will allow them to break through the vicious cycle of poverty. In other words, they\’ll be able to stand on their own two feet; they will not be dependant an another for a source of income. Educating them with a regulated and relevant curriculum will not just benefit them, but with increase economic productivity, sustainability and stability. There are currently 170 MILLION people trapped in poverty in Pakistan.
To educate them only costs an initial of around 4000 (including uniform, shoes, transports etc.). Imagine if each Pakistani could contribute to that amount. We could eradicate poverty! With providing education, you allow that vicious cycle to come to an end and give those people the steering wheel to their own life. It helps to reduces poverty.
Provision Of Local Economic Development
Regional cooperation, including underdevelopment and poverty, is a main criterion of the target to control by replacing funds with most need projects.
This condition needs the Growth of the provisional economic structure that benefits directly affect the condition of local communities and supports national economic Growth.
The government needs to give power to local governments. However, professional financial and training providers should be given to provisional governments and their staff rather because central governments at national and provincial levels container estimate the variety of local requirements or local requirements.
Therefore, Pakistan requires a local economic development that gives local governments, private sector, NGOs, and civil society possibilities to work collectively to develop the local economy that increases the national economy. and any strong economy can manage poverty and reduces poverty.
Improves Capability and institutions performance
Policies to overcome poverty would have to concentrate on building the valid conditions for new industry development. The institutions promote knowledge development, a business culture that supports entrepreneurship, and higher education organizations, such as rural district colleges. It helps to reduces poverty in Pakistan.
The social and institutional participation is difficult to adopt because of the various offerings among local actors. But, it will change the behavior and feelings of citizens to be part of regional development. Their active cooperation of the citizens helps our population to escape the poverty trap.