Latest LPG Price in Pakistan – 1 January 2024

Latest LPG Price in Pakistan
Latest LPG Price in Pakistan

Latest LPG Price in Pakistan: Effective January 1, 2024, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) has declared a substantial rise in the cost of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in Pakistan.

The regulatory body set the price of locally obtained LPG at Rs. 256.42 per kg, as stated in their statement. This is an increase of Rs. 1.57 from Rs. 254.86 the previous month.

In a similar vein, the price of a household 11.8-kg LPG cylinder increased by Rs. 18.52 to Rs. 3,025.87 this month from Rs. 3,007.62 last month.

OGRA made it clear in a statement that the US dollar exchange rate and Saudi Aramco-CP are the two factors that affect the price of gas producers. The price of Saudi Aramco-CP has increased by 1.6 percent from the previous month. The statement also stated that the consumer price of gas has increased by Rs. 18.52 for an 11.8 kg cylinder (0.61 percent) despite a 0.86 percent fall in the average Dollar exchange rate.


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