Twitter Account of Pakistan Embassy Serbia Asks PM Imran to Release Their Salaries

Twitter Account of Pakistan Embassy Serbia Asks PM Imran to Release Their Salaries
Twitter Account of Pakistan Embassy Serbia Asks PM Imran to Release Their Salaries

Pakistan\’s economy has crippled by the coronavirus outbreak. As evidenced by a tweet from Pakistan\’s embassy in Serbia. Which asked Prime Minister Imran Khan how he expects Pakistani government officials to keep silent as inflation continues to break new records every day. The tweet went on to say that their employees had not been paid in three months. And that their children were unable to attend school owing to non-payment of tuition. Aapne Ghabrana Nahi Hai by Pakistani YouTuber Saad Alavi was also includ in the message.

On Friday, the Pakistani Embassy in Serbia\’s official Twitter account criticized the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government. For record-breaking inflation and alleged non-payment of salaries in recent months.


\”How long do you want us government officials, Imran Khan, to remain silent and continue working for you without being paid for the past three months, while our children have been driven out of school due to non-payment of fees?\” Is this Pakistan\’s Naya? \”I\’m sorry, Imran Khan, but I don\’t have any other options,\” read the official Twitter account of the Pakistan Embassy in Serbia.

Also Read: Facebook To Ban Ads Containing ‘Hateful’ Content 

Embassy in Serbia Twitter Account Hacked

However, a Foreign Office official post said that the country\’s Belgrade mission\’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts had been \”hacked.\”


While the public demands that the individual responsible for the error be prosecuted, the Pakistani government claims the account was hacked.

The embassy\’s Twitter account had hacked, according to Azhar Mashwani, the Focal Person to Chief Minister Punjab, Usman Buzdar.

Later, Dr. Arsalan Khalid, the Focal Person to Prime Minister on Digital Media, also confirme that the account had compromized.


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