Several Dead Bodies Found on Roof of Nishtar Hospital in Multan

Several Dead Bodies Found on Roof of Nishtar Hospital in Multan

In a horrifying occurrence, several unidentified and putrified bodies were discover on the top of Multan\’s Nishtar Hospital, a teaching facility for Nishtar Medical University.

After horrifying videos and images of decomposing remains were post on social media. The Punjab government established a six-person committee to investigate the matter. The vice chancellor of Nishtar Medical University has also assembled a three-person team to conduct an investigation.

Also, on October 13, 2022, a letter was addresse to the hospital\’s medical superintendent requesting a thorough investigation report within three days.

The abandoned bodies have been note by Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervez Elahi. Who has also requested a report from the secretary of Punjab\’s department of specialized healthcare and medical education.

The Punjab CM claimed that an inhumane act had been perpetrate by tossing these bodies on the roof. And that severe disciplinary action should be take against the responsible employees.

On Twitter, the former federal minister Moonis Elahi posted an update on the situation and included the director of the anatomy department at Nishtar Medical University\’s original comment.


The HOD explained that these were the unidentified bodies that the police had give them for post-mortem examination and. If required,\” to be use for MBBS students\’ educational objectives.

The bones are collected for medical students once the putrefaction process is complete because> According to him, these bodies were in such poor condition that they could not be used for teaching.

The HOD stated unequivocally that there is \”no issue of disrespect\” about the dead and that after bone retrieval. The bodies are \”always\” burie correctly, implying that it is a standar procedure at the hospital.

Numerous bodies are allegedly decomposing in the room constructed on the roof of the Nishtar Hospital. On the other hand, reports making the rounds on social media claim. That hundreds of human body parts have been found on the roof.

However, no government official has either confirmed or denied the existence of the various bodies.

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