Facebook Apologizes for Bug Sending Friend Requests to Every Profile Users Visit

Facebook Apologizes for Bug Sending Friend Requests to Every Profile Users Visit
Facebook Apologizes for Bug Sending Friend Requests to Every Profile Users Visit

Facebook Apologizes for Bug: On Friday, a Facebook bug was reported from Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka; it sent friend invitations to every Facebook profile user visited. People from these nations complained about the problem on Twitter, expressed security worries, and even made light of the situation.

While this was happening, some users were concerned that they couldn’t stalk friends on Facebook, and others tried to block accounts when friend requests were made automatically.

Facebook immediately corrected the problem, apologized, and took action. They confirmed that they had solved the bug caused by an update, and it won’t happen again while reporting to The Daily Beast. They expressed regret for the trouble the error had caused the citizens.

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