Impact of women’s health on economy in developing countries

Impact of women's health on economy in developing countries

The World Bank funded research on international development in 1933. The study \”Investing in Health\” revealed the findings. The importance of health was determined to be vital for the advancement of society as a whole as well as for the quality of life of an individual. The power of the workforce as a resource for human growth comes from its state of health. The poll gives a bad picture of the health economics definition. It contends that their physical limitations prevent them from contributing substantially in this area.

The flaw that has now identified hurts their social lives, including violations of their human rights and unethical standards. In terms of finances, both women and society at large suffer. These losses\’ source and mode of transmission are yet unknown. The main topics of the article are the significance of family planning, the impact of maternal health on future generations, and the effect of nutritional inadequacies on women\’s labor productivity.

Health economics definition

Fertility rates dropping would improve family and societal welfare. The demographic dividend has  used to describe this relationship. A single population\’s age structure changes abruptly when mortality and fertility decline because there are fewer deaths than declines in infertility. This \”boom\” in human resources can significantly contribute to the country\’s economic prosperity by creating more and ultimately resulting in more savings, provided that a healthy social environment and employment possibilities are provided.

Additionally, there would be a decline in the dependency ratio. The Maternity Amendment Bill was put into effect by the Indian government in 2017 to encourage more women to work. The length of paid maternity leave was expand from 12 to 26 weeks; however, only the formal sector benefited from this legislation. NERGA created childcare centers to encourage women to engage in economically beneficial activities in rural areas. But the facility remained inoperable.

According to statistics, children born into households with access to family planning services had a 2–7% higher chance of pursuing higher education. Such children are more likely to reside in households with higher incomes. The availability of birth control options may cause the first pregnancy to occur after 22 years, giving women more time to pursue careers that pay well. According to research by Boom and colleagues conducted in Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal, the per capita GDP in each of the three nations would increase by 31–65 percent if all contraception-related requirements were met. A similar development is anticipate in developing nations like Pakistan. Data acquired in Matlab, Bangladesh, further supports the idea that increase female income and reduced fertility methods are relate.

The mother\’s health helps long-term national growth by providing and transferring positive human attributes as human capital. In Pakistan, women\’s health is often poor, which is the cause of their social marginalization. Through the implementation of the structural adjustment program, the deterioration that was thereby starte has accelerate. The deterioration of women\’s health in Pakistan signifies that access to healthcare is difficult.

This trend has stigmatized the gender with major health difficulties. Practices like teenage pregnancy put the health of the mother and child at risk and result in financial losses due to decreased productivity. Stunted youngsters do worse in school than their classmates, according to research. They are less effective and productive even as adults.

Due to her physical and mental limitations, the mother needs to eat a diet high in nutrients. Studies from developing nations like Kenya, South Africa, and Indonesia demonstrate that children who are denied their mother\’s support at a young age may be lost their education by not enrolling in school. Thus, this deprivation lowers the literacy rate and the pool of skilled workers available in the labor market. In addition, instances in India, Pakistan, Brazil, and Bangladesh also imply negative health consequences on children from mothers\’ mental health issues.

Women are more affected than males by micronutrient deficits. Compared to men, women are more vulnerable to the impacts of economic hardship. Their inadequate nutrition causes more health issues to develop. Contrarily, men have historically received greater care and less malnourishment in families in patriarchal nations like Pakistan and India. Iron deficiency anemia is the cause of 64.4% of maternal fatalities.

The declining health of a woman and her offspring would be restored if these medical deficiencies were addressed. The cost of providing healthcare for women who suffer from these conditions would eventually pay off in the form of increased national output. In India, tea-picking women underwent testing to determine how best to provide them .With micronutrients to increase their efficiency at work. Positive findings were obtaine. In terms of productivity, memory tests, and cognitive function, girls of adolescent age. With anemia performed better than those without one. Women in good health are more likely to help fill the labor shortage in the market and contribute more significantly to development.

Aurat March 2021 Gives an Eye-Opening Arguments 


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