Cosmetic Surgery Only Improves Your Features. it Does not Work on the Self image

Cosmetic Surgery Only Improves Your Features. it Does not Work on the Self image

Discovery of the “self image” represents a discovery in psychology and the field of a creative personality. The significance of the self image has recognized for more than a decade. Yet there has been little written about it. I discovered that when he changed a man’s face, he often also changed his personality and life. When he altered a person’s face, then the person changed for better after the operation. Yet, this was not always the case. In some cases, the plastic surgeon adjusted a certain disfigurement of a patient’s face, and still, that person’s life did not change after surgery. He realized that the mere reconstruction of the visible image was not the real key to changes in personality. So, the surgeon was interested in psychology, more precisely, why some Subconscious Mind people’s lives changed after plastic surgery, and some didn’t.

Essential points

1. The power of the self image-The role of self image in the accomplishment of the goals 

2. Awakening the subconscious mind-how to tap the automatic success mechanism within you 

3. The conscious mind -how to harness the control mechanism inside of you 

4. Acquiring the habit of happiness-How to get the habit of keeping the psycho-cybernetic device working within you

This article, written on the subject of setting and achieving goals, mind programming, understating the subconscious mind and the conscious mind, and self image. 

The Power of Self Image/Identity

THE “self -image, “the individual’s mental and spiritual concept of “image “of himself, was the genuine key to personality or behaviour. So, Change the self image, and you change the nature and the action. Why some patients changed their lives after surgery, and some didn’t? Well, he found the cause! It is Self Image!

 Many patients changed in personality after surgery because they also improved their self -image. The ones that didn’t change their self image stayed the same after surgery. So, depending on whether or not the patient changed his self image after surgery, his surgery, he also changes his personality. So, what exactly is the self image, and why is it the key to a better life? Let’s what exactly is the self image, and why is it the key to a better life? This self image is our conception of the “sort of person I am.” It has built up our own beliefs about us.


Each Of us Brings a Mental Plan for Ourselves

Whatever you think to know about yourself is a part of your self image. That’s what you think you are, and you carry that with you all the time. However, there are also many things about your self image that you are not aware of. That could include that deep inside, you don’t feel worthy or feel weak or whatever it might be. These beliefs about you have from past experiences.

Most of these beliefs have unconsciously former our past practices, our achievements and defeats, our embarrassments, our joys, and how other people have reacted to us, especially in early childhood. So, Most of our beliefs about us come from experience in early childhood! These experiences from a picture of self-image. 

Let’s say, as a small kid, you failed in catching a baseball. The other kids, or the older brother or whoever then made fun of you ___ they humiliated you. You then concluded that you suck at baseball or you suck at sports, or you’re a failure. These conclusions would not have justified. And it is well possible that after that experience you thought of yourself as bad in sports. And you probably still feel like that. From that one experience, you formed the part of your self-image that you suck at games.

Subconscious Mind

To completely understand the importance of our self-image, we need to know how we. The subconscious mind works. “Subconscious mind is not a “thought” at all, but a tool to fulfil our goals. It consists of the brain and the nervous system, which is used by, and directed the mind. Man does not have two “minds,” but an account, or consciousness, which “operates” automatic, goal-striving machines. Our subconscious mind works like a goal-striving machine!

Your “self-image” is sort of a foundation upon which your personality and your behaviour are built. As you act upon that self-image, you experience things that seem to verify and thereby strengthen that self-image. The “self-image” sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment. It defines what you can and cannot do. So, Your self-image or what you consciously or unconsciously think about yourself to be correct defines who you are and sets the boundaries. What you believe to be true about yourself becomes true. You automatically act upon your self-image.

Hopefully, that’s clear. We automatically act upon our self-image! It defines what we can and cannot do. Our self-image determines our actions, feelings, and behaviour.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our philosophies. With our images, we make the world. __Buddha

It\’s all About Self-image

Everyone has a particular \”mysterious picture\” that defines who he/she is and what he/she believes in. That imaginative picture is the result of our past adventures, achievements, defeats, beliefs, and practices. As a consequence, this thought represents a base on which we build our character.

The thing is, most people let past experiences negatively define them. Therefore, they end up behaving in a way that\’s not coherent with who they are, but only with who \”think\” they are. However, this mental distortion can overcome, and that\’s what the book is all about; adopting a new method for better defining ourselves and living life according to the person. We have to construct a new self-image, one which resembles us the closet (no more and no less).

Self-image is the key to Living a Life Without Limits

The central premise is how we see and what we think of ourselves. Our self-image is the key to our self to our personality and behaviour. Each of us has an idea of our self-image, although we may not give it much through. The writer says that it may be vague and ill-defined, but it is there, completes down to the last detail.

This self-image is our conception of the \”sort of the person I am.\” It has been built up from our own beliefs about ourselves. But most of these beliefs about us have unconsciously been formed from our past experiences, our successes and failures, if you have a healthy self -image chances are you are successful. If not, you may be living a wasted life. The problem is that our past experiences defined our truth, but we can change it if we want to.

Understanding Our Subconscious Mind

 When we have a goal or something that the conscious Mind desires, the goal-filtering mechanism of the self-image kicks in, therefore, we must program our self-image.

  1. Rejected if inconsistent 2. Accepted if consistent

How the Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, and Self-Image Work Together:

 The conscious mind desires specific goals. Examples: Goal 1   ___ to have $1 million in the bank by a certain age and Goal 2____ to lose X number of pounds by a specific date 2. Self-image will now evaluate these goals.

Goal 1 if the person sees himself as a rich person or a millionaire, the target gets locked and loaded in the subconscious mind. Goal 2 if the person doesn\’t see himself as a fit person, the target doesn\’t lock and go to the subconscious mind. It is never accomplished and keeps on sabotaging. The person keeps on running away from the goal and is unable to figure out why he\’s failing at it. 3. The subconscious mind acts on the goal when___ It is a program with it.  The self-image believes in it. Once that goal is lock into the servomechanism, the subconscious will do everything to get you to that goal.

EXERCISE: Try to Program Yourself

1.  Imagine a picture of the self-image that you want and see you in this new role.

2.  Write it out in as much detail as possible, and then start acting as if you are the new person

3.  Read and act out that self-image daily.

Over time you will see that your self-image is programming itself from the old programming into the new person you want to become.

Awakening the Subconscious Mind

 If there is an area of your life where you feel like you\’re not making progress fast enough or you feel stuck, it\’s more than likely you\’re not enrolling the power of the automatic success mechanism within you __ the subconscious mind.

The Self-image Can Be Changed:

 It is seem difficult for people to change their habits, personality, & way of life. Heretofore nearly efforts at changing directly to the circumference, preferably center\”. Positive thinking alone is not valid if it is using a path on past self-image. You can\’t think positively about any situation as long as you hold a negative conception of your\’ self.\’ 

Creative Mechanism

Our past experiences develop our self-image, and over time new experiences reinforce what we already believe. The unconscious mind can\’t tell the difference between an experience and one developer in mind. Our subconscious mind operates like a servo mechanism, which is an engineering term to describe a device that learns from negative feedback.

Instead, he calls it the Creative Mechanism. It\’s impersonal, Manifest it with a success purpose, and it will work as a success tool. Present it with contrary purposes, and it will work as a failure mechanism. To serve the Creative Mechanism, it has to feed with mental images. We use to create with the use of imagination. 

Our inbuilt guidance system: The Success Mechanism

Every living thing has an inbuilt guidance system, helping it to achieve the goal. For animals other than humans, the goal is survival and reproduction. It\’s a success Mechanism at work. Humans share this same survival and reproduction goals, but we also have greater emotional and spiritual needs to meet. Man\’s success Mechanism is more complicated. It helps him to solve problems, invent, write, run a business, explore, and develop a better personality, and so on.

Man has some ability animals don\’t have: creative imagination; therefore, man can direct his success Mechanism by using his vision. However, The human being has Creative imagination. We can create! By the use of our vision, we can set new goals-images. These goals-images then get interpreted as our primary goals and are striving for automatically! That\’s how we can use our machine within us! Remember, you operate that machine! The subconscious mind affects the creative imagination.

Imagination is Immensely Powerful!

 Looking at the main principles by which your success mechanism operates.

We are not a machine, but we have a tool that we can operate. To do, that\’s successfully we don\’t need to know how it works precisely, yet we need to know the following basic principles:

1. Your automatic mechanism works with end goals. So, it would help if you had a clear goal or target in mind. And it must be conceived as already in existence-now. Your self-image is your primary end goal!

2. Don\’t be afraid of mistakes. All servomechanisms acquire a goal by negative feedback, or by going forward, making mistakes, and immediately correcting course. You can call this trial and error. Your mechanic will only remember the successful response and act accordingly in the future.

3. Let your mechanism do its Works automatically, so don\’t jump in consciously. Let it work rather than make it work.

4. You still need to take action. And you can correct course along the way. You must not wait to react until you have proof _you must act as if it is there, and it will come through.

Have End Results In Mind

These are the goals your success mechanism will acquire! It\’s your self-image if you don\’t consciously think about other end goals. Start taking action, and your desired results will come through automatically if you let your machine do its work. It will correct course along the way.

Imagination is The key to Success

It was ahead of its time, mainly when I discuss imagination on is the key to success. If you can see yourself doing it, you have more chance of succeeding than if you did not. It is believed, and you will win long before it was hip. Through experience, I make the point that you increase our chances of being your nervous system and cannot tell the difference between real knowledge and imagined experience.

In other words, Imagination can provide as much success as the experience. Your nervous system acts appropriately to what you think or imagine being true. You work & feel, not according to what things are like, but according to the image that your mind holds, they are like.

It turns out prominent people practiced visualization for many Centuries.

For Example

Napoleon, example, practiced soldiering for many years before he stepped foot on a battlefield. He imagined himself as a commander and drew maps of the island of Corsica, showing Calculations with mathematical precision. Conrad Hilton imagined himself running a hotel long before he ever bought one. Industrialist and inventor of modern-day shipbuilding, Henry J Kaiser said each of his business accomplishments Was realized before he had done them.

EXERCISE: Programming your Self-image

1. Form a picture in your Imagination of the person you want to be.

• See yourself as that person. Act as if that what you are doing here.

2. Write out who that person is in detail and read it out daily.

• Feel that person every day.

3. Repeat this exercise as often as you can in the morning and evening.

Any time you get this moment of clarity, see yourself as this new person. As you act as if you are this new person, you will take on the behaviors of that person over time until you become him/her

EXERCISE: Activating your Goal as if it Already in Existence

Take 10 to 15 minutes daily in the morning and during the night to write out your purpose in detail in as vivid language as you can. Draw it out on paper if you need to.

Involve all your senses. What do you see, hear, taste, smell, or touch?

Feel it in existence right now.

Repeat this exercise as often as you can.

One of the most excellent practitioners of this exercise was Olympic medalist Michael Phelps. He would do this exercise every day for almost 20 years. His coach used to order him to put his goals in a mental video that he can access every time.

You Have to De-hypnotize Yourself.

I believe that we are all hypnotized about certain beliefs we have about ourselves. If you have an accept conventional, negative thinking about yourself, given from yourself, your teachers, your parents, from advertisements or any other source, and you firmly believe it, you have hypnotized. Everyone is hypnotic to some extent, either by uncritically accepted ideas by others or by thoughts you have convinced yourself are true. Negative opinions harm behavior; therefore, you have to de-hypnotize yourself from them.

You have to change these ingrained beliefs by questioning where they came from. Once you begin to consider where they came, you can rationally disregard them.


 The Power of Rational Thinking

Scientific experiments have shown that it is impossible to feel fear, anger, anxiety, or negative emotions of any kind while the body muscles are kept perfectly relaxed.

Rational thinking is a powerful tool if we use it more often. The problem for most people is very doing; instead, they have preconceived beliefs about themselves, which come from others or are based on no logic at all. Conscious rational thoughts allow you to power the unconscious mind with positive and realistic affirmations. I think so, and it’s the conscious mind that is the “control know” of the subconscious mind and unconscious machine.

Mistakes and Failures

Most of the people hold on to previous errors, mistakes, and failures in the unconscious mind for too long. We should learn from them, but not give them more time for too long. We should learn from them, but not give them more time than they deserve. Here rational thinking can help remove any previous negative emotions in the unconscious mind. It useful in doing this; rational thought must be accompanied by a deep feeling and desire.

Imagine what you want and arouse a feeling of desire for those things. Become enthusiastic about them. Dwell on them and let them keep going over your mind.


 Relax To Solve Problems

I often find that when I learn new information. I have to take some time out to allow that information to go from my conscious mind to the unconscious. Deep learning of any subject takes time.

Believe that man’s problem is he tries to solve problems with his conscious mind, but conscious effort inhibits the automatic Creative Mechanism.

The brain has to relax before problems solving takes place. Famous people throughout history used relaxation as a means to find a solution to problems.

I can Suggest 5 Ways to Relax to Solve Problems:

1. Worry and thoughtfully consider a decision before making it, but once it is made, let go of any anguish.

2. From a habit of consciously responding to the present moment (mindfulness) (subconscious mind)

3. Do only one thing at a time (multitasking doesn’t work)

4. Sleep on a decision if you need more time to think

5. Relax while you work (What we call today the ‘flow state’)

 Making Happy Habits and Having A Successful View:

Dr. John A. Schindler’s definition of happiness is a state of mind in which our thinking is pleasant, a good share of the time.

Thinking pleasantly for a good share of the time

That’s happiness. And I like it!

Nobody is 100% happy ALL THE TIME! There are always some moments of feeling down at least a little tiny bit.

Yet, we can think pleasantly for a good share of the time, can we? Yes, we can!

There are a bunch of reasons why being happy is what you want to be. We think better, perform, feel better, and are healthier when we are delighted.

    Unhappiness is the sole cause of all psychosomatic ills and

     Happiness is the only cure. _ Dr. John A. Schindler

So, Why are so Many People Unhappy Then?

My thinking is about becoming happy solely if specific other needs are fulfilling first.” Be kind, and you will be satisfied.”

Unhappy “I would be happy if. Something is fulfilling first.”

subconscious mind “I would be happy. I was successful and healthy.”

“I would be happy if. I had a lot of money.”

 “I would be happy if. I was on holiday.”

“I would be happy if. I had a great body.”


That is the opposite of thinking! Firstly, be happy first, and then you’ll be healthy, prosperous and enjoyable!

Happiness is not a destination. If you think you’re going to be happy when you achieve that ‘thing,’ then you’ll be disappointed. “Living on the deferred payment plan.”

Instead, happiness is a mindset, a habit, and a choice to be in, in the present moment. So, It’s a mental habit, a spiritual practice, and if it’s not learned and practised in the present, it’s never experienced.

Adopting the happiness habit, you become a master instead of a slave. We need to form the habit of doing positively towards threats and problems, and we do this by developing a positive, aggressive attitude towards both an actual everyday situation and also in the imagination.

The Success-Type Personality

We have to be acting toward something; otherwise, we’ll feel stuck. From my own experience, I know this is the case. Rarely am I not moving towards some goal, but when I am not a sense of frustration comes over me because I lack purpose. 

Successful Types of Personality.

  • Sense of direction
  • Understanding
  • Courage
  • Charity
  • Esteem
  • S-elf-Confidence
  • S-elf-Acceptance

Your subconscious mind does what it is direct to do, and knows, and it only needs to be addressed in a way that brings your success and happiness.

1 – Sense of Direction

It’s all about having goals in our life. Imagine you’re driving a bicycle. You’re driving because you have a reason, of course, and it’s easy to keep the balance. As soon as you lose direction subconscious mind and you come to a stop, you lose balance and fall! It’s the same in life: As long as you’ve got a clear sense of direction, it’s easy to balance, yet when you have no idea where to go, you lose balance. You become unfulfilled, unhappy, and certainly not successful!

 Well, what if there are no goals we’re striving for? Naturally, we’re living a meaningless life, respectively; we are not living at all!  Nothing to strive for + no sense of direction =no real living! So, get some goals! So, What do you want to achieve, to look like, to feel, to earn, to finish your project? Check out the bonus goals-setting guide.

2 – Functionally Man

Functionally man is like a bicycle. It maintains its poise and a sense of equilibrium as long as it keeps going forwards and towards something. You cannot react appropriately if the information acts upon is faulty of misunderstood. Don’t come fuse fact, with an opinion, and willing to see the truth.  Be honest with yourself and admit your mistakes, but don’t cry over them. Could you correct them and go forward? In dealing with other people, try to see the position from their point of view as your own.

3 – Courage:

Having a goal is not enough. You must have the courage to act and have the daily courage to make mistakes, risk failure, and be humiliated. Your automatic guiding system cannot direct you when you’re standing still. You must have the daring to act, for only by actions can goals, desires, and beliefs be translated into realities.

Imagine yourself back on the bike. When you act, you keep driving. Maybe you make a mistake and operate in the wrong direction, but you can still correct along the way. It is much better than not acting and standing still and losing balance. So, When you’re standing still, there will be bikers driving around you ten times. (Making mistakes after mistakes), and they are even faster at the destination than you. Be willing to make a few mistakes.


4 – Charity

 It is a psychological fact; our feelings about ourselves tend to correspond to our beliefs about others. Successful personalities have an interest in and respect for other people. They have respect for other’s problems and needs.

5 – Esteem

Appreciate others. And appreciate yourself. Is not the man himself the marvelous creation of all? This appreciation of your worth is not egotism unless you assume that you made yourself and should own what is not egotism unless you believe that you made yourself and should take some of the credit. Don’t childishly blame the product for your errors like the schoolboy who said, “this typewriter can’t spell.”

The biggest secret to more self-esteem is to appreciate others more. The practice is treating other people as if they had some value _and surprisingly enough, your self-esteem will go up.

6 – Self-Confidence

Confidence is built upon an experience of success. Yet, what do most of us do? We destroy our self-confidence by remembering past failures and forgetting all about recent achievements. What is wrong with us? We want to do the opposite! Use failures and mistakes as a way to learn, and then forget about them!

EveryBody Fails

Everybody fails; all that matters are that you get back up and try again and again and again. Fail better next time. Cherish your little successes and practice. Practicing is all about failing and trying still. And fail better next time. Making the same mistakes over and over again won’t help you either. Accept yourself: Yes, accept yourself! You are who are, with your weaknesses and your strengths. You make mistakes, but you are not a mistake! It’s what you have done. Nobody is or will ever be perfect. We all make an ideal goal but never arriving.

 I may not be perfect, and I may have faults and weaknesses; I might have gotten off the track; I may have a long way to go _, but I am something, and I will make the most of that something. We are coming to terms with ourselves now, just as we are, with all our faults, weaknesses, shortcomings, errors, as well as our assets and strengths.

Get an Emotional Face Lift also Unlock Your Real Personality

Someone with a good self-image is not quickly become emotionally damaged—the same for someone with a self-reliant attitude.  It is your response to experiences that can leave emotional scars. It will help prevent these scars. To lose emotional scars, they have to remove it. It means forgiving and forgetting. Forgiveness happens When you recognize that the \’debt\’ (the purpose of the forgiveness) is invalid.

Condemnation and Hatred

Condemnation and hatred should not have to give any place in your life. \’We err when we hate a person because of his mistakes, or when we condemn him, or classify him as a certain type of person, confusing his person with his behavior.\” It would help if you also forgive yourself. You\’ve made mistakes, but hating yourself for them is futile, \”So remember \”you\” make mistakes, Mistakes don\’t make \”you\”-anything.\” You may have failed at something, but you are not a failure.  Instead, relax, practice forgiveness. Have a flexible but durable \’skin,\’ be creative, and be a little vulnerable.

Unlocking your real personality is about showing your \”unique and creative self outwardly.\” When people inhibited, they keep their real characters locked up. Often this is because they are over-experiencing negative feedback. Instead of using negative feedback to the correct course, they over-correct or cease taking any action at all. It can also occur when people are excessively careful, and a solution is to practice relaxation. It enables you to a freer, less tense, and less inhibited.

7 – Self -Consciousness

Self -consciousness can also lead to inhibition. Being self-conscious is really about being too conscious of others. You monitor everything you do any say because you are concerned with how others might see you. You can begin to deal with self-consciousness by(again)! Recreate this feeling when you are with others, and your self-consciousness will begin to fade.

Tranquilize Yourself and Get Peace of Mind:

Tranquilizers do not change the environment. The disturbing stimuli are still there. We were yet to recognize them intellectually, but we do not respond to them emotionally. Tranquilizers work because they significantly reduce, or eliminate, our response to disturbing stimuli.  

Let\’s look at a situation together. You just sat down to relax for a few minutes. Then suddenly, the telephone ring (external stimulus).  Do you answer the phone? Yes, you probably answer it. It happens (almost) automatically. We\’re all conditioned to our environment in specific ways.  You\’ve probably learned the automatic response of answering the telephone when it rings. The idea of the tranquilizer now is that you reduce or eliminate your response. In that case, you would choose to answer or not So that the reaction does not happen unconsciously. You do not have to answer the phone; you can refuse to respond to the signal.

Get Peace of Mind

Basically, You unconditional yourself.  Get clear in your mind the fact that the outside signal in itself has no power over you; no ability to move you. Try to recognize the external stimulus, but don\’t respond to it emotionally. Don\’t let yourself move by the ringing phone, and you only proceed if you let yourself move by the ringing phone, you only move if you wish to choose. The signal itself shall have NO POWER over you! It is an excellent idea to delay the response. That makes you relaxed. Delaying the response breaks up and interferes with the automatic workings of conditioning.

 So, if the phone rings, count to 5. It will relax you. You can still choose to answer; nobody calls you for one second and then hangs up. You don\’t miss anything if you wait a few seconds and takes a deep breath. Consciously decide whether or not you want to answer. That counts for all external stimuli! If you\’re learning about something, before you react, take a deep breath and delay your response. It is well to get clear in your mind the fact that our disturbing feelings _our anger, hosteling, fear, anxiety, insecurity, is caused by our responses _not by externals. Response means tension.

Lack of Response

Lack of response means relaxation. Tightness in the muscles is a \”preparation for action\” or a \”getting ready to respond.\” Relaxation of the muscles brings about \”mental relaxation\” or a peaceful \”relaxed attitude.\” So, Thus, relaxation is nature\’s tranquillizer, which erects a psychic screen or umbrella between you and the painful stimulus. As we can choose our responses, we can choose how we feel.  Tension versus relaxation! No decision has ever been so easy!

Relax and become peaceful. It protects you against disturbing stimuli such as the ringing telephone.

So, this is an easy tip: delay your response, and it will bring peace of mind, less tension, less disturbed feeling such as anger, fear, and insecurity. You are still aware of the signal, yet it has no power to choose your response!

Make the Failure Mechanism work for you.

Pressure gauges show warning signs, and roads have signposts that warn of danger. It’s essential to recognize that ‘negative feedback’ signs are good to have.

The human body has its negative feedback and red-light signals, much like pressure gauges and dangerous roads. These are in the form of symptoms or syndromes.

We often think these symptoms and syndromes an evil when, in reality, they can help you take action. I use another acronym using the word FAILURE.

Symptoms and Syndromes

  • Frustration, hopelessness, futility
  • Aggressiveness (misdirected)
  • Insecurity 
  • Loneliness (lack of ‘oneness’)
  • Uncertainty
  • Resentment 
  • Emptiness

1 – Frustration, hopelessness, futility

Failure is an emotional feeling which develops whenever some vital goal cannot realize. Chronic defeat usually means that the goals we have set for ourselves are generally unrealistic, or the image and subconscious mind we have for ourselves is unrealistic.

2 – Aggressiveness (misdirected)

Aggression follows frustration. Aggression isn’t abnormal through as we must go after goals with assault and emotional steam. Trouble ensues when we are blocked or frustrated in achieving our goal. The emotional steam is misdirected or unused and becomes a misguided or a remaining destruction force.

3 – Insecurity:

 It is based on inner inadequacy. Man is a goal-striving mechanism and has to be moving towards something when you think of having attained the goal of having no intention at all insecurity subconscious mind set in.

4 – Loneliness:

 Loneliness, at times, is normal. It’s the original price we pay for being a human and an individual. An extreme and chronic feeling of loneliness is not. “This type of loneliness is alienation from life. It is loneliness from your real self.”

5 – Uncertainty 

Uncertainty in everything we do is standard. Sometimes we freeze up due to lack of change. We often become indecisive because we fear to be wrong.

6 – Resentment

“Resentment, even when based on real injustices and wrongs, is not the way to succeed. It soon becomes an emotional habit. Habitually feeling you’re a victim of crime, you begin to picture yourself as a victimized person. “Your emotional response, your action cause resentment, and you alone have the power over this.

7 – Emptiness

The emptiness is losing the capacity to enjoy. He who can enjoy basic and simple things can also enjoy the material’s success, but it is not the foundation for his happiness. The ‘empty’ person who cannot enjoy anything is dead. No goal is worth working for. Life is a terrible bore

 Removing Emotional Scars

Emotional scars like body scars can protect from further pain or injury when someone “hurts” or “rubs us up the wrong way.”

We form emotional and scars for self-protection.

“We are very apt to become hardened of heart, callous towards the world, and to withdraw with a protective shell.”

My emotions are scars harm self-image and how people view the world around them. The world and people are hostile to them.

He outlines three rules of immunization against emotional hurts.

A self-reliant, Responsible Attitude makes you Less Vulnerable

Every human wants and needs human affection, but the creative, self-reliant person wants to give love and friendship.

Relax Away Emotional Hurts

“When we feel “hurt” or feel “offended,” the feeling is entirely a matter for our response. The atmosphere is our response.”

Finding the Good in Crisis and Feelings

 If you react correctly to the case, a “crisis” can give you strength, power, the wisdom you do not ordinarily possess.” To learn to turn crisis into opportunity, you first need to practice reacting to challenges without the pressure of a crisis situation. However, This is similar to practicing fire drills before a fire. You acquire the actions without stress so you can practice those same behaviors when the stress is on. You also carry over an attitude of calmness and calmness and competence. Learn to react to a crisis with an active (Rather than a passive) response. Finally, evaluate ‘crisis’ situations so you can identify the true ones from the ones that are not a real crisis.

Confident and Assertive

When you face a crisis, be confident and assertive. “The means maintaining an aggressive, a goal-directed attitude, rather than a defensive, evasive, negative one: “No matter what happens, I can handle it, or I can see it through,” rather than, “I hope nothing happens.”

There are times when your most significant challenge may be making a goal you can get excited about. Since your brain can’t tell the difference between real and vividly imagined experiences, your mind will coordinate negative feelings if you are focusing on the failures that might come of goal setting.

Feeling of Success

Bring to mind feelings of success by focusing on positive things. These feelings lead to successful actions and outcomes. You can take time to recall successes in your past. The imprinting in the brain is strong for these and becomes stronger with recall. The winning feeling accompanying those past successes will carry over into your current goal-seeking activity.

If you haven’t experienced a great deal of success, begin with small measures you are successful at, and build on these, both with repeats of the success, and growing memories. So, increase the challenges and successes, as if you are weight-training. You will become accustomed to success.

If you tend to be a worrier, your solution is the practice, “immediately substituting pleasant, wholesome, mental images, for unpleasant “worry image.” You replace the habit of worry with a habit of wholesome, positive thinking.

 Better day, Better Life.

 We must accept it, whether it comes in the form of science, religion, psychology, or whatnot.” Existing with a defeat tool in place can slow healing & lead to overall weak health. Resentment and hatred are also bad for your health. I found that his patients recovered faster were optimistic, positive thinkers who had a reason to get a better-some goal or something good in their future. “Mental attitudes can influence the body’s healing mechanism.”  This is even obvious with the success of placebo treatments. People who believe they are receiving healing medication improve.


What you believe works in your life will very often for you. There are seven needs that, when fulfilled, lead to a better life. These needs are for love, security, creative expression, recognition, new experience, self-esteem, subconscious mind and to the future with gladness and anticipation.

This desire for more life leads to more life. “I believe that we establish this needs we expect to enjoy tomorrow. You will act like the kind of person you conceive yourself to be. What now?

We’ve learned a lot from this story. We shall not waste that knowledge and start acting right now! In my eyes, this is hugely important. As soon as you delay the use or implementation of the knowledge, you lose! That’s called procrastination. And most likely, you’ll never implement any strategies if you don’t start immediately.

Learn From Mistakes!

All masters have failed many times, but they learned from them and failed better the next time and again better the next time. To learn from mistakes, you need to make mistakes. Remember, you are not your mistakes! You can learn from your mistakes and then forget about them. That’s how you will improve yourself at anything!

 How do you React when you Fail?

Well, depending on your reaction, you will succeed, or you will age (and lose). Remember, it is never about what happens, but about your reaction to what happens. You can always choose how you want to react. The subconscious mind, If you fail an exam, you can be angry and mad, or you can be clam, analyze your mistakes, and look forward. You have a choice. And no matter what happens, think about these wise words.

No matter how often you fall, as long as you get up, you will succeed. Do you remember the man on the bike? As long as he’s moving forward, he doesn’t fall -even when he’s driving in circles.

Personality, I see failing as a good sign, it tells me that I’m still moving even if not always straight forward and at full speed. The more you fail, the easier it gets to get up again. Failing will never end. That’s how you keep growing and getting better. So, be willing to make. At some point, you will catch the ball. And you will succeed!

 Your mind is a valuable Asset you Have.

A crisis is a situation that can either build you or break you. That’s when the mind, by far the most important gift we possess as humans. No matter what situation we’re ever going to find ourselves in, we can accept the challenge, show up, and commit to the fight. That’s why, when we fail, we can get up and fight back once again. That’s why, when all the lights are shut off, we can still make a decision that seems bigger than ourselves, we can find courage, strength, and resilience at will.

We discover powers that we never thought we had, but the secret is all in our mind: true power lies in accepting the challenge and saying to you, “No matter what happens, I’m going to make it. I can already see the finish line; I have nothing to lose and ever to gain.” So, If you make it a habit of constantly remaining yourself of the direction you’re going toward, and see it vividly, as an already-reached the objective, it is at that point that you’ll fully unleash feelings of self-confidence and conviction in your means that will lead, sooner or later, to a positive outcome.


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