What Is The Purpose Of Pubic Hair?

purpose of pubic hair
purpose of pubic hair

Nothing is more natural than the hair growing out of our skin, yet we regularly treat our hair “down under” as if it’s a far-off addition to our bodies. We all have pubic hair, and most of us wish we didn\’t. In one study, 95 percent of men and women polled said they had shaved their pubic hair at least once in the previous four weeks. Most important purpose of pubic hair? However, given how little of it is (relatively) and how few people see it, many of us have strong feelings about what\’s going on down there and many questions about what to do about it. It, like other things on our body, serves a purpose. So, before you shave, wax, cut it into a heart shape or do anything else with it, there are a few fascinating facts about your hair you should know.

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Why Do We Have Pubic Hair?

It provides a cushion against friction that might cause skin abrasion and injury, as well as protection from bacteria and other unwanted pathogens. It is the visible result of long-awaited adolescent hormones kicking in.

Why Does Pubic hair Reach A Certain Length But Head Hair Continues To Grow?

Hair follicles go through three stages of development. Hair length is determined by the first phase, known as the anagen phase. The length of the anagen phase is determined by genetics, although hormones and stress levels can also influence it. The anagen phase lasts three to five years for head hair, but pubic hair only lasts a few weeks. The length of the anagen phase determines how long the hair grows.

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The Reason Behind Pubic Hair

They are a secondary sexual feature in both males and females, one of the variables that suggest when the person in front of you is a viable sexual partner. The ule was \”no hairs down there, no play\” among our not-so-distant forefathers. You might try to bed the other person if he or she has pubic hair. Second, public hairs are important for hygiene, especially in women. They act as a filter, keeping undesired things from entering the vulva, and they aid in the dissipation of sweat and heat in both males and females.

Benefits and purpose of pubic hair

Here are some of the reasons you might consider keeping your pubic hair:

You’ll Avoid Infections

Pubic hair is both natural and protective in some aspects. Although some women believe shaving their hair is more hygienic, the medical study proves the exact contrary. Take your pretty little bush and use it as a barrier. It reduces dirt, virus, and germ contact. When you quit shaving, you lessen your risk of STIs while reducing the likelihood of frequent problems such as yeast infections. 

According to a new study published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections, persons who remove their bush regularly have an 80% higher risk of contracting an STI. Grooming rates were high among both males and females, as expected, which the researchers attribute to changing standards attributable to popular media.

The researchers took into account both age and the number of sexual partners. They discovered that people who groomed frequently and those who eliminated their bush an average of 11 times per year had a 3.5 to 4-fold increased risk of STI. Both the human papillomavirus and herpes are included.

You’ll Avoid Painful Ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs are the absolute worst. You should expect an irritated bump or two if you remove your bush frequently. If you\’re wondering why you\’re getting so many ingrown hairs, this is usually the case:

You\’re waxing too frequently: While some people prefer not to shave, waxing encourages ingrown hairs and irritation. If you go to the salon before your hair is at least 1/4-inch long, the wax won\’t be able to grasp onto it. This causes the hair to break instead of being pulled from the root, which is the ultimate formula for ingrown hairs.

You\’re not shaving properly: when it comes to shaving your lower legs, there is a preferred way. First and foremost, never shave dry. If you must shave, apply a moisturizing, all-natural cream. Shaving along the direction of your hair\’s natural development may not only prevent nicks and, as a result, a lower risk of infection, but it also reduces the chance of \”stuck\” hairs under the skin.

You haven\’t been patient enough: Your pores will be open and prone to infection for at least 24 hours after shaving or waxing, regardless of whether you shave or wax. Because you\’re hypersensitive to heat and friction, you shouldn\’t swim, take a hot shower, work out, or do anything else that will irritate your skin.

They Help Regulate Temperature

Hair on your body, including the hair around your genitals, helps in temperature regulation. A sebaceous gland produces oils and is found on each hair follicle. These oils can chill the area once they reach the skin and dissipate. When your body does not want to shed heat, the hairs will retain the warm air. assist in temperature regulation

  • When the temperature is too hot or too cold, it helps maintain the appropriate temperature in the pubic region.
  • It creates an ideal environment for healthy vaginal microorganisms to thrive.
  • It can indicate whether or not a person is biologically ready to reproduce.
  • Makes pheromones last longer, luring sexual partners in the hopes of conceiving.
  • During exercise or sexual intercourse, it shields the genital area from friction.

Pubic Hair Removal

A variety of techniques can be used to remove pubic hair (if that\’s your thing). Because of its ease, shaving remains the most common method for removing pubic hair, while other options such as waxing, electrolysis, and laser hair removal make up for their lack of convenience with longevity.\” purpose of pubic hair. Hair removal is a personal choice, and each procedure has advantages and disadvantages. 

4 ways to Remove Publish Hair


Most of us started our hair removal journey with a razor in hand, and for many of us, it is still the go-to tool for a last-minute clean-up.  On the other hand, advises against it if you wax frequently: \”Shaving in between waxes will ensure that your skin isn\’t as smooth as it may be when you return to get waxed. It can also make the wax feel more harsh.\” While shaving has a lot going for it in terms of convenience and cost-effectiveness, it can also be a high-maintenance activity.

Hair removal with lasers

This procedure uses laser light to blast the hair follicles and permanently eliminate them. The procedure involves six sessions spaced five weeks apart and can suppress hair growth, make regrowth finer and lighter, and even completely remove hair to different degrees.

Bikini Waxing

By removing the hair from the root, waxing produces smoother and longer-lasting results, as well as allowing hair to come back thinner and finer. A bikini wax from a professional lasts around a month, so it\’s a high-maintenance procedure. Due to irritation and empty hair follicles, you may need to be extra gentle with your skin shortly after.

Hair Removal Creams

Depilatories and over hair removal lotions contain chemicals that harm the hair, weakening each strand to the point of coming out. The hair and any extra cream can be wiped away once the treatment is finished (usually 10 to 20 minutes). The advantages of this approach are that it is quick, and creams are usually inexpensive, including enough substance for numerous applications in a single bottle.


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