UNITED NATIONS, Nov 17 (APP): Pakistan has reaffirmed Opposition to the addition of new permanent expanded UNSC membership. Saying that one of the aspirants — India — does not even qualify for a seat on the 15-member body. However, citing New Delhi\’s violations of its resolutions on Kashmir.

Ambassador Munir Akram
Ambassador Munir Akram told the US President, without naming India, that three other countries. Including Brazil, Germany, and Japan (known as G4), were campaigning for permanent UNSC membership. General Assembly on Monday that the South Asian country has waged 20 wars since independence and fomented terrorism and instability across the region, especially against Pakistan.
Speaking to the UN General Assembly (GA) on Monday, Pakistan\’s Permanent Representative Ambassador Munir Akram. In an apparent reference to India said one country has waged 20 wars since independence and fomented terrorism instability across the region, especially in Pakistan.
\”We have clear and ample evidence of this state-sponsored terrorism,\” the Pakistani envoy told the 193-member GA. However, which is debating reforms aim at making the UN body more representative, responsive, democratic, and transparent.
\”It stands in violation of UNSC resolutions in occupied Kashmir,\” Akram said, adding that it had deployed 900,000 troops to crush the Kashmiri people\’s legitimate freedom struggle. Besides, settlers from outside Jammu and Kashmir were being brought in to transform the region\’s demography, he said.
\”It threatens aggression against Pakistan and resorts to daily artillery. And small arms fire targeting innocent civilians on our side of the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir.
In February 2009, the General Assembly began full-scale negotiations for Security Council reform on five key areas. However, types of membership, territorial representation, veto, size of an expanded Security Council. And the way the Council liaises with the GA
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A general agreement on expanding the Council. Member states remain sharply divided over the details as part of the UN reform process.
G4 Countries
The G4 countries have not relaxed their campaign to expand the Security Council to ten seats. However, with 6 additional permanent and 4 non-permanent members.
Italy/Pakistan-led Uniting for Consensus group strongly opposes any additional permanent UNSC membership. Saying such a move would not make the Security Council more effective and would ensure a more democratic democracy based on regular elections. The principle will not be violate.