6 Types of Social Media and its Benefits

5 Types of Social Media and its Benefits
5 Types of Social Media and its Benefits

6 Types of Social Media and its Benefits

Average users spend 28% of their internet time on social media. Social create more opportunities for you to generate an audience. There are many types of social media available, so you understand its use and select your business. You already know many social media site and use more prominent social media like (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) and media sharing sites like (Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat). Some websites give free backlinks and bookmarking (Printest Flipboard).


Here are Types of Social Media

  1. Social Network
  2. Media Sharing Network
  3. Social Blogging Network
  4. Discussion Network
  5. Review Network
  6. Bookmarking Site

1 – Social Network


Example: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin

People use this site to connect with people online. This type of brand helps your business via branding, social awareness, relationship building, customer services, lead generation, and conversion.  Through social media campaigns on these networks will help widen your reach.  If you use hashtags in these social media channels, your post gets more reach on the target audience.

2 – Media Sharing Network


Example: Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube

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Many types of Social media sharing are used to find and share photos, live videos, videos, and other types of media on the web. They are also going to help you with brand building, lead generation, targeting, etc. They provide a space for individuals and brands to discover and share the media so that the target audience can be targeted and transformed into a persuasive and result-oriented path. However, around 1 billion people use Instagram. This is a great place where you can share images and videos to increase your brand reach. Youtube is the second largest search engine platform after google. Around 1.8 billion people monthly log in to this platform. Short video of your brand increase customer interest in your business.

A media sharing site also helps your business to generate more traffic and lead through image, infographic, live video.  Through media, you can find the target audience and convert this audience into customers and get drive results.

3 – Social Blogging Channel


Example: Medium, Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger

Sometimes a message or post isn\’t complicated enough for the message you have to share, but not everyone on the Internet wants to run a blog from a self-hosted website. It\’s a lot of work. Shared blogging platforms like Medium and Tumblr provide space for people to express their ideas and help them connect with readers. These community blog sites provide viewers with plenty of space for customization and self-expression.

4 – Discussion Network


Example: Quora, Dig

Many types of social media channels are found, share, and communicate various information, opinions, and news. Now businesses get an advanced tool for excellent market research. These forums are one of the oldest ways to run a social media marketing campaign. Some short messages can\’t convey through video and image. So, through blogging share, you can convey your message and brand awareness. These community blog sites provide viewers with plenty of space for customization and self-expression.

5 – Review Network


Example:   Yelp, Zomato, TripAdvisor

Using the customer review network will help you find, share, and reviews different information about different products, services, or brands. Many types of social media give boost your business through reviews. However, if your business has positive reviews, it helps increase sales.  To run a successful social media campaign today, businesses need positive reviews.

6 – Bookmarking Site


Example: Printest, Flipboard

Bookmarking & content curation networks help people discover, save, share & discuss new and trending content and media. These networks are a hotbed of creativity and incentives for people to acquire information and ideas. However, by incorporating them into your social media marketing plan, you can create brand awareness and engage with your audience and customers. Channels will open.


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